Kamalika De specializes in covering business news, statistical research, and operational topics of interest to startup entrepreneurs and experienced owners alike. She has five years of experience researching and writing in the SMB space. Her byline appeared on Entrepreneur, GoDaddy Blog, Business2Community and more. She has an MA (English) degree.
Last updated on June 21st, 2023 at 04:56 pmVideo marketing is a super practical tool to reach your target audience. If you do it right, video marketing can provide your brand with multiple benefits. It can yield incredible results, from building awareness for your products/services to converting leads into customers. Why shouldn’t it? The number [&hell
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When you develop new materials for achieving your content marketing goals, you usually go through an ordeal. From developing a new idea to researching the topic to creating the content to promoting it, you have to take care of many things to reap the true benefits of content marketing. But do you know by writing […]
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Last updated on June 21st, 2023 at 04:56 pmLinkedIn is a Goldmine for businesses. You can build a support network, generate leads, and find talented employees for your business on LinkedIn. If you are a b2b businessman, LinkedIn (LI) can work for you as a lead generation machine because 45% of LinkedIn users are in […]
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Last updated on June 21st, 2023 at 04:56 pmIt’s no secret that we all love using our smartphones nowadays. Marketers should consider the fact that 80% of internet users have a smartphone. SO mobile marketing can be a valuable tool in the marketer’s arsenal. Mobile marketing offers a cost-effective way to reach prospects. It’s about […]
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Last updated on June 21st, 2023 at 11:32 pmLove it or hate it, but you cannot ignore it. Yes, I’m talking about social media that has become a lot more than just connecting with friends, having personal interactions, and sharing opinions. Around 3.484 billion people worldwide use social media, making it a powerful tool for […]
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