March 10, 2025
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How to Repurpose Your Content (Infographic)

When you develop new materials for achieving your content marketing goals, you usually go through an ordeal. From developing a new idea to researching the topic to creating the content to promoting it, you have to take care of many things to reap the true benefits of content marketing.

But do you know by writing less and promoting more, you can still drive the attention of the audience? No, I’m not talking about promoting the same content again and again.

There is another way to get more eyeballs for your content without promoting the same content repeatedly. And we call it ‘content repurposing’.

What is the objective of content repurposing?

According to Hubspot,

Repurposing content allows you to extend the value of your content by changing it to serve a different purpose, like transforming the messaging of a blog post into a video. The messaging is the same, but the channel or format in which it’s consumed is different.

For example, you can take a blog post, and turn it into video, slide presentation, podcast, infographic, webinar, etc. Doing so means you won’t have to spend time creating content from scratch. In other words, by putting minimum time and effort, you can create different types of content having the same message.

Also, content repurposing enables you to have content perfect for different platforms. By blasting content on different platforms, you can create brand awareness, reach a new audience, and drive more traffic to your website.

So, my friend, no matter what business domain you are from, it is imperative for you to make the most of your content creation efforts by repurposing old content for better reach.

To give you more clear insight on how to repurpose your content, our friends, from CJG Digital Marketing, have created a detailed infographic on the topic.

This infographic will help you understand:

  • What content repurposing is
  • How it is different from content revamping
  • What benefits you can get from this process
  • What types of content are worth repurposing

Without further ado, let’s explore the infographic to know how to repurpose your content. 

Content Repurposing in a Nutshell (Infographic) - An Infographic from CJG Digital Marketing

Embedded from CJG Digital Marketing


  1. Very useful and engaging infographic. Thanks for sharing it. I agree with the point that content repurposing requires less effort than content creation but gives great return on investment.

  2. A useful infographic, Kamalika De! Thanks for sharing it. Indeed, content repurposing can save us tons of time.

  3. Hi Kamalika, you rightly mentioned that content repurposing could save us lots of time. Thanks for sharing this useful infographic.

  4. This infographic is super useful as it offers a detailed outline of content repurposing. Thanks, Kamalika for sharing it.

    • Rajat, I am glad that you have found the infographics useful. Keep on reading. You will find some great tips here from various posts and infographics.

  5. Content repurposing, indeed, saves time that we can spend on content promotion to boost the success of our content market efforts. Thanks for sharing this useful infographic.

  6. Kamalika, you have rightly pointed out that content repurposing can save lots of time. Thanks for sharing such useful info!

  7. You have correctly mentioned that we should try to use existing resources more rather than creating new ones. Content repurposing, indeed, will save tons of time. Thanks, Kamalika for sharing this useful info!

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